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Part time position, Nanny/Housekeeper Nanny Job in Houston

Job Location

Houston, TX, United States

Job Description

Looking for an energetic and fun-loving caregiver for my boisterous four year old son. My son is headed to Pre-K4 about a ten minute drive from my Midtown apartment home. I am a principal of an elementary school, and must be at work on the North side of Houston by 6:45 - 15 minutes earlier than he can be dropped off at school.

I'm looking for someone (preferably Spanish-speaking), who can work from 6AM - 7:30AM, assisting me with waking, dressing, and then driving my son to school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Responsibilities from 6-730AM would specifically include the follow: 6:00AM arrival to the apartment, and from 6-620AM, Mom will still be present. From 6-630, assistance with either very light housework (like help emptying/filling the dishwasher, or packing lunch), or assistance waking my son for school. At 6:20, Mom will head to work to be on time for 6:45. From 6:20 - 6:50, get dressed, eat a light breakfast, brush teeth, and head to school at 7:00AM to be dropped off on time by 7:25AM.

Monday/Wednesday we also need assistance with pick up from school at approximately 4:00PM, for transport to meet Mom at swimming lessons or other arrangements. On Fridays, pick up is at 3:00PM, and we would be in need of care (either at our home or yours), until 5 or 6 PM. Friday arrangements are only needed every other week.

In summary, an ideal schedule would look like this:
Monday, 6-730AM, 4- 6PM
Tuesday, 6-730AM
Wednesday, 4-6PM
Thursday, 6-730AM
Friday, 6-730AM; 3-6PM (every other week)

Lots of talking, reading, and playing required. Homework assistance (PK4 level) on afternoons he is picked up is also ideal. My son is sweet, gets along with adults and children, and is generally well behaved. He is slow-moving in the mornings, and I usually wake him around 5:30AM so he has time to warm up to heading out of the house.

I am a kind, low-maintenance parent who is just looking for someone to be a part of our family, and who can help me be the best working, single mom I can be. Children of a sitter/part-time nanny are welcome in our home, limited English skills are no problem (we are proficient in Spanish). Need nanny having experience with age group ,Preschool (4-6 years) Light Housekeeping/Homework Help/Drive the children

Salary range: $10 to $15

Job Requirements

Skills required: Light Housekeeping/Homework Help/Drive the children
Experience required: 1-2 years

How To Apply

Please use Apply Link within Job Description
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Contact Information

Contact Ken Myers
22136 Westheimer Pkwy #704
Katy, TX, United States 77450
Phone 888-963-7561
Email info@enannysource.com
Website www.eNannySource.com


December 3, 2019
UID: 132931

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